Wow, check this out, my own RC Aircraft Web Log, or BLOG as they are commonly referred to.
It's hard to update my website everyday, so this new BLOG will keep you informed of what is going on with me and RC flying in Salt Lake City!
On my website, you can find all sorts of information about flying in Salt Lake City. We have a GREAT field, the
Jordon River Modelport. It is actually a Utah State Park. The runway is paved and there is a large pit area for the pilots. It is quite literally, one of the best model airports I have ever flown from.
Last week, I crashed my Bridi Killer Chaos (that's the yellow and black airplane in the photo,,,the green one is my Bridi Super Kaos). I know that all of you newcomers to the RC aircraft hobby are probably not aware of any of Joe Bridi's airplane kits. In my opinion, they were some of the best building and flying kits ever developed. Just a few of his designs are still available through BlueJay Aircraft in Stratten, Nebraska. You can see the airplanes online at
BridiAirplanes.com. I have built two Super Kaos kits (no longer available) and one Killer Chaos. Unfortunately, my Killer Chaos had an abrupt meeting with the earth last week after the radio failed. The plane was fast and seemed about twice as fast when it decided to put a crater in the ground. I'm really going to miss that airplane. It performed aerobatics with grace and style and landed like a trainer! I have a new Utter Chaos ordered and it should be here sometime this week. The only problem is that winter is approaching quickly and I don't know if I'll be able to build the kit in time to do much flying before cold weather and short days set in.
My ten year old Great Planes Super Skybolt biplane is almost ready for her new, maiden voyage. I flew the plane about six times and it has been sitting in my garage for about eight years. I sold the engine, which was a Saito 1.50. I finally decided to strip the Monokote off of the fuselage and replace it with fiberglass clothe and epoxy resin with finish coats of Rustoleum paint. The plane looks great and I'll get her in the air as soon as I get the muffler for the ASP 1.08. Any word from any of you on the redhead ASP 1.08? I'm hoping it will be enough power to fly this beautiful plane like she deserves.
I'll be posting more as days go by. I'd love to hear your comments.
Jay Mc