My design, the eXtreme Kaos is coming along well. I finished painting it yesterday. I have added decals and will explain how I did that later. The white paint is Coverite's Century 21 and the Insignia Blue is Lusterkote by Top Flite. Both paints are excellent! They dry to the touch in about ten minutes and are supposed to be fuelproof, up to 15% nitro, after 24 hours. Both paints are easily sandable. I used Pactra pin striping and put a very thin gold stripe to separate the blue from the white on the fuselage. I put four stripes on the right side of the horizontal stabilizer.
Testors makes decal material. I have found it at hobby shops. After creating the decal design on your computer, simply print the design onto the decal material. Then cut the shape out, spray with a clear coat. After it is dry, soak the decal for a minute or so, then slide the decal in place. I have had pretty good luck with these decals but the sheets of material are small. I wanted to be able to print a decal large enough for the wing of the eXtreme Kaos so I had to come up with something different. I called some printing shops and they all want to do a minimum run of 200 or so pieces. I finally decided to try 8 1/2 x 11 clear labels. I printed the design with a laser printer. This seemed to work well but the labels are not completely clear. They are more like Scotch tape, kind of a milky look. I used an X-Acto knife and cut as close to the lettering as possible. This helped eliminate the milky tape look. I have no idea if they will be fuelproof or not so I am going to spray a clear coat over them. Decals really give your airplane a professional look. If you have any good tips on making decals, let me know!